Untitled are two site-specific works by Michael Lin (b. 1964, Tokyo) an artist living and working in Taipei and Brussels.

Beginning in the late 1990s, Lin gained recognition for his use of expansive floral motifs, which reflect Taiwanese culture. These floral patterns, reminiscent of the embroideries typically found on Taiwanese pillows, are inspired by the shifting domestic and political climates in Taiwan that Lin experienced upon returning to the region after many years abroad. Although his repetitive and seemingly simple floral landscapes are closely tied to Taiwanese visual tradition, they have emerged as the most politically and culturally significant aspects of his work.

Orchestrating monumental painting installations that re-conceptualise and reconfigure public spaces. Transforming the institutional architecture of the public museum, his unconventional paintings invite visitors to reconsider their usual perception of those spaces, and to become an integral part of the work, giving meaning to its potential as an area for interaction, encounter, and re-creation.

Michael Lin, Untitled, 2009, Platform 4. Image copyright the artist and courtesy Beppu Project NPO
Michael Lin, Beppu 04.11-06.14.09, 2nd floor of Kansai Kisen Terminal Pier 3. Image copyright the artist and courtesy Beppu Project NPO
Michael Lin, Beppu 04.11-06.14.09, 2nd floor of Kansai Kisen Terminal Pier 3. Image copyright the artist and courtesy Beppu Project NPO
Michael Lin, Beppu 04.11-06.14.09, 2nd floor of Kansai Kisen Terminal Pier 3. Image copyright the artist and courtesy Beppu Project NPO
Michael Lin, Untitled, 2009, Platform 4. Image copyright the artist and courtesy Beppu Project NPO
Michael Lin, Beppu 04.11-06.14.09, 2nd floor of Kansai Kisen Terminal Pier 3. Image copyright the artist and courtesy Beppu Project NPO
Michael Lin, Beppu 04.11-06.14.09, 2nd floor of Kansai Kisen Terminal Pier 3. Image copyright the artist and courtesy Beppu Project NPO
Michael Lin, Beppu 04.11-06.14.09, 2nd floor of Kansai Kisen Terminal Pier 3. Image copyright the artist and courtesy Beppu Project NPO

Lin’s work also has associations with architecture as he conceives of his art not merely as a piece of flat canvas, but as a space that the viewers can interact with and within. This idiosyncratic artistic understanding is shown by many of his large-scale installation works. The unconventional paintings aim to transform the institutional structure of public museums. They invite visitors to reconsider their usual perceptions of these spaces and to participate actively in the artwork. This involvement allows them to give meaning to the museum as a place for interaction, connection, and re-creation.

Lin’s works have been exhibited in major institutions and international Biennials around the world including TheAuckland Triennial and the California Pacific Triennial 2013, the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design, Manila 2016, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne 2017, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei 2019 and most recently in 2020 at The Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto and Jumex Museum, Mexico City.

Untitled was commissioned by the Beppu Project NPO and was part of the inaugural Beppu Contemporary Art Festival: Mixed Bathing World Triennale, held in Oita, Japan. The project was produced by Junya Yamaide and directed by Serizawa Takashi, with Keith Whittle serving as advisor and assistant director.